Matariki Recommended Reading List 2023: Kia whakahauti e ngā o Ururangi
Each year as we move towards Matariki, I gather the seeds of knowledge I have found most useful in the year just gone, and I offer it to others.
In 2021 I offered knowledge on good public sector governance, with a focus on collaboration and anticipatory governance. Last year my list focussed on decolonising anglo public institutions.
This year I have been gathering mātauranga around equity of access, outcomes, quality and process. My focus has been on vaccination uptake and, in particular, the work Ao Māori institutions to produce equity because the state appeared to be both unwilling and unable.
Here is my 2023 reading list.
Ahuriri-Driscoll, A., Lovell, S., Te Kawa, D., & Mathias, K. (2022). The future of Māori health is here – The 2022 Aotearoa New Zealand health reforms. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, 28.
Ansell, C., & Bartenberger, M. (2019). Pragmatism and political crisis management: Principle and practical rationality during the financial crisis. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Anglemyer, A., Grey, C., Tukuitonga, C., Sporle, A., & Sonder, G. J. (2022). Assessment of ethnic inequities and subpopulation estimates in COVID-19 vaccination in New Zealand. JAMA Network Open, 5(6).
Aoake, M. (2022). Extraordinary Conditions, Ordinary Realities and a Squandered Opportunity: Māori Social Imaginaries and COVID-19. In Anthropological Forum (Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 234-252). Routledge.
Arjen, C., & & Lodge, M. (2021). Responding to the COVID-19 crisis: a principled or pragmatist approach? Journal of European Public Policy, 28:8, 1131-115Baker, M. G., Kvalsvig, A., Crengle, S., Harwood, M., Tukuitonga, C., Betty, B., Bonning, J., & Wilson, N. (2021). The next phase in Aotearoa New Zealand’s COVID-19 response: a tight suppression strategy may be the best option. The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online), 134(1546), 8-16.
Baker, M. G., Kvalsvig, A., Verrall, A. J., & Wellington, N. (2020). New Zealand’s COVID-19 elimination strategy. Med J Aust, 213(5), 198-200.
Baker, M. G., Wilson, N., & Anglemyer, A. (2020). Successful elimination of COVID-19 transmission in New Zealand. New England j\Journal of Medicine, 383(8), e56.
Banasick, S. (2019). KADE: A desktop application for Q methodology. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(36), 1360.
Boulton, A. & Te Kawa, D. (2020). Waka not just yachts, Ten Perspectives: Possible futures for public and community services, pp 12-16. New Zealand Public Service Association Te Pūkenga Here Tikanga Mahi, Wellington, New Zealand.
Boulton, A., Devine, T., McMennamin, K., & Walsh-Tapiata, W. (2022). Te Ranga Tupua: An Iwi (Tribal) Response to COVID-19 in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal of Indigenous Health, 17(1).
Cabinet. (2021). [21 October Press Release]. New fund to accelerate Māori vaccinations
Came, H., Kidd, J., McCreanor, T., Baker, M., & Simpson, T. (2021). The Simpson-led health sector review: A failure to uphold te Tiriti o Waitangi. The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online), 134(1532), 77-6.
Came, H., McCreanor, T., Doole, C., & Rawson, E. (2016). The New Zealand health strategy 2016: whither health equity?. The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online), 129(1447), 72.
Cassim, S., & Keelan, T. J. (2022). A review of localised Māori community responses to COVID-19 lockdowns in Aotearoa New Zealand. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 11771801221124428.
Cassim, S., & Keelan, T. J. (2022). A review of localised Māori community responses to COVID-19 lockdowns in Aotearoa New Zealand. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples.
Clark, T. C., Best, O., Bourque Bearskin, M. L., Wilson, D., Power, T., Phillips-Beck, W., Graham, N.K., Wilkie, M., Lowe, J., Waipo, C., H., & Brockie, T. (2021). COVID-19 among Indigenous communities: Case studies on Indigenous nursing responses in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. Nursing Praxis in Aotearoa New Zealand, 37(3).
Cram, F. (2021). Mahi aroha: Māori work in times of trouble and disaster as an expression of a love for the people. Kōtuitui: New Zealand journal of social sciences online, 16(2), 356-370.
Curtis, E., Harwood, M., Riddell, T., Robson, B., Harris, R., Mills, C., & Reid, P. (2010). Access and society as determinants of ischaemic heart disease in indigenous populations. Heart, Lung and Circulation, 19(5-6), 316-324.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021a) 14 May 2021 DPMC-2020/21-956 Health Reform: Strategy and Approach to Legislation, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021b) 20 May 2021 DPMC-2020/21-986 Health Reforms: Implementation and Transition Cabinet Paper, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021c) 01 Jun 2021 DPMC-2020/21-1046 Health Reforms: Planning and Accountability Framework, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021d) 04 Jun 2021 DPMC-2020/21-1063 Health Reforms: Implementation of a Consumer Voice Framework, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021e) 23 Jun 2021 DPMC-2020/21-1161 Health Reforms: Legislation Cabinet Paper Summary and Talking Points, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021f) 25 Jun 2021 DPMC-2020/21-1173 Health Reform: Legislation and Transition Update, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021g) 29 Jun 2021 DPMC-2020/21-1191 Health Reforms: Legislating for Public Health Structures, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021h) 29 Jul 2021 DPMC-2021/22-60 Health Reforms: Legislating Intervention Powers and Obligations Relating to Health New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021i) 13 Aug 2021 DPMC-2021/22-149 Health Reforms: Final Decisions for Legislation, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021j) 16 Aug 2021 DPMC-2021/22-177 Health Reforms: Implementation Cabinet Paper Summary and Talking Points, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021k) 19 Aug 2021 DPMC-2021/22-192 Confirming Hauora Māori System Settings, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021l) 19 Aug 2021 DPMC-2021/22-196 Health Reforms: Employment Relations Settings, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021m) 25 Aug 2021 DPMC-2021/22-223 Further Policy Decisions for the Health Reform Bill: Cabinet Paper Summary and Talking Points, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021n) 27 Aug 2021 DPMC-2021/22-234 Health Reforms: Development of the NZ Health Charter and Associated Legislative Provisions, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021o) 02 Sep 2021 DPMC-2021/22-263 Health Reforms: Independent Alcohol Advice and Research Function and Levy, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021q) 10 Sep 2021 DPMC 2021/22-308 Joint Te Kawa Mataaho/ Health Transition Unit Report: Māori Health Authority – Proposed Application of Crown Entities Act 2004 and Public Service Act 2020, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021r) 21 Sep 2021 DPMC-2021/22-389 Health Reforms: Draft Cabinet Paper to Approve Bill for Introduction and Health System Principles, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (2021s) 15 Oct 2021 DPMC-2021/22-588 Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill: Approval for Introduction at Cabinet, Wellington, New Zealand.
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, (2021p) 10 Sep 2021 DPMC-2021/22-307 Health Reforms: Remaining Transitional and Consequential Provisions for Decision, Wellington, New Zealand.
Forsyth, H., & Kung, N. (2007). Ata: A philosophy for relational teaching. New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies, 42(1/2), 5-15.
Grout, L., Gottfreðsson, M., Kvalsvig, A., Baker, M. G., Wilson, N., & Summers, J. (2023). Comparing COVID-19 pandemic health responses in two high-income island nations: Iceland and New Zealand. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand. (2021) A window on quality 2021: COVID-19 and impacts on our broader health system – Part 1 | He tirohanga kounga 2021: me ngā pānga ki te pūnaha hauora whānui – Wāhanga 1. Wellington, New Zealand.
Health Quality & Safety Commission New Zealand. (2022) A window on quality 2021: COVID-19 and impacts on our broader health system – Part 2 | He tirohanga kounga 2022: Me ngā pānga ki te pūnaha hauora whānui – Wāhanga 2. Wellington, New Zealand.
Henare, P. (2021, October 21a) Introduction of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill — First Reading.
Henare, P. (2022, June 22b) Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill — Third Reading
Humpage, L. (2019). Innovation and improved social outcomes?:’Payment for outcomes’ in social services in New Zealand. New Zealand Sociology, 34(2), 149-174.
James, A., Hendy, S. C., Plank, M. J., & Steyn, N. (2020). Suppression and mitigation strategies for control of COVID-19 in New Zealand. MedRxiv, 2020-03.
Jansen, P., Bacal, K., & Buetow, S. (2011). A comparison of Māori and non-Māori experiences of general practice. The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online), 124(1330).
Jones, B., King, P. T., Baker, G., & Ingham, T. (2020). COVID-19, intersectionality, and health equity for indigenous peoples with lived experience of disability. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 44(2), 71-88.
Koziol-McLain, J., Cowley, C., Nayar, S., & Koti, D. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on the health response to family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand: a qualitative study. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 60, 00469580221146832.
Lee, P. R., Estes, C. L., & Rodriguez, F. M. (Eds.). (2003). The nation’s health. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Lilley, R., de Graaf, B., Kool, B., Davie, G., Reid, P., Dicker, B., Civil, I., Ameratunga, S., & Branas, C. (2019). Geographical and population disparities in timely access to prehospital and advanced level emergency care in New Zealand: a cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 9(7).
Little, A. (2021, 21 October). Introduction of the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill — First Reading.
Little, A. (2022a, 22 June) Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Bill — Third Reading
Little, A. (2022b, 1 July) Health Minister Andrew Little’s address to first joint meeting of the boards of Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand and Te Aka Whai Ora – the Māori Health Authority,
Marek, L., Hobbs, M., McCarthy, J., Wiki, J., Tomintz, M., Campbell, M., & Kingham, S. (2020). Investigating spatial variation and change (2006–2017) in childhood immunisation coverage in New Zealand. Social Science & Medicine, 264, 113292.
Maynard‐Moody, S., & Musheno, M. (2012). Social equities and inequities in practice: Street‐Level workers as agents and pragmatists. Public administration review, 72(s1), S16-S23.
Mazey, S., & Richardson, J. (2020). Lesson‐drawing from New Zealand and COVID‐19: The need for anticipatory policy making. The Political Quarterly, 91(3), 561-570.
McKeown, B., & Thomas, D. (1988). Q Methodology, Newburg Park.
McLeod, M., Gurney, J., Harris, R., Cormack, D., & King, P. (2020). COVID‐19: we must not forget about Indigenous health and equity. Australian and New Zealand Journal of public health, 44(4), 253.
McMeeking, S., & Savage, C. (2020). Māori responses to COVID-19. Policy Quarterly, 16(3).
McMeeking, S., Leahy, H., & Savage, C. (2020). An Indigenous self-determination social movement response to COVID-19. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 16(4), 395-398.)
Mikahere-Hall, A. (2020). Tūhono Māori: a research study of attachment from an indigenous Māori perspective. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 23(2), 61-76.
Mulgan, G., Marsh, O., & Henggeler, A. (2022). Navigating the Crisis: How Governments Used Intelligence for Decision Making During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at SSRN 4304021.
Nederhand, J., & Molenveld, A. (2020). Q methodology in public administration: State of the art. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.
Niemeyer, S., Ercan, S. A., & HartzKarp, J. (2013). Understanding deliberative citizens: The application of Q methodology to deliberation on policy issues. Operant Subjectivity, 36(2).
Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga. (2022) [31 August Webinar] Rationing Māori Life and Well-Being – Who Decides and How
O’Flynn, J. (2007). From new public management to public value: Paradigmatic change and managerial implications. Australian journal of public administration, 66(3), 353-366.
O’Leary, R. (2014). Collaborative governance in New Zealand: Important choices ahead. Wellington, New Zealand: Fulbright New Zealand.
Parker, R. W. (2021). Why America’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic failed: lessons from New Zealand’s success. Adm Law Rev, 73, 77-103.
Pihama, L., & Lipsham, M. (2020). Noho haumaru: reflecting on Māori approaches to staying safe during COVID-19 in Aotearoa (New Zealand). Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 9(3), 92-101.
Pohatu, T. W. (2013). Āta. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 17(1), 13-26.
Prickett, K. C., & Chapple, S. (2021). Trust in government and COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. Policy Quarterly, 17(3).
Reid, M. J., Paine, S. J., Curtis, E., Jones, R., Anderson, A., Willing, E., & Harwood, M. (2017). Achieving health equity in Aotearoa: strengthening responsiveness to Māori in health research.
Reid, P. (2021). Structural reform or a cultural reform? Moving the health and disability sector to be pro-equity, culturally safe, Tiriti compliant and anti-racist. The New Zealand Medical Journal (Online), 134(1535), 7-10.
Reid, P., & Robson, B. (2000). Understanding health inequities. Hauora: Māori Standards of Health IV. A study of the years, 2005, 3-10.
Reid, P., Cormack, D., & Paine, S. J. (2018). Colonial histories, racism and inequity–the experience of Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand. The European Journal of Public Health, 28.
Reid, P., Paine, S. J., Te Ao, B., Willing, E. J., Wyeth, E., Vaithianathan, R., & Loring, B. (2022). Estimating the economic costs of Indigenous health inequities in New Zealand: a retrospective cohort analysis. BMJ open, 12(10).
Rhodes, R. & Marsh, D. (1992). ‘New directions in the study of policy networks’, European Journal of Political Research, Vol 21, pp. 181-205.
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Ryan, B. (2001) ‘A Missing Link? Effective Public Management and the Idea of Utilisation’, in Essays in Implementation and Service Delivery 1990-93, Victoria University of Wellington.
Ryan, B. (2002a). Managing for Outcomes in the 21st Century: A Discussion Paper. School of Government. Wellington, New Zealand.
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Ryan, B. (2002c) ‘Beyond Intervention Logic? A Public Management Heuristic for the 21st Century’, paper presented to the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management 24th Annual Research Conference, Asking “What if…”: Assessing the Public Policy and Management Implications of Social Science Research, Dallas, Texas, November 7-9.
Ryan, B. (2006). Beyond Westminster: thinking the Aotearoa/New Zealand way of governing. Policy Quarterly, 2(3).
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Comment: Regulatory Standards Bill
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the regulatory standards bill. As someone involved in regulatory systems and policy, I want to talk about their design and likely impact. Let me be direct: these proposals lack any supporting evidence that they would improve our regulatory environment. Instead, they demonstrate a troubling pattern of overreach. The fundamental problems are st...
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